Workbridge Inc.

Nigel Jeffcoat


04 913 6422

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About us

Workbridge is a nation-wide professional employment agency for people with all types of disability, illness or injury, the impact of which is likely to last for more than six months, and create a barrier to obtaining employment.

Workbridge also works with members of the Deaf community. In addition to providing employment services, Workbridge administers government Support Funds on behalf of the Ministry of Social Development. Support Funds are available to help cover additional costs a person with a disability may have in the workplace or in training.

Workbridge services are free for both jobseekers and employers.

Professional Association
Membership References

Career Development Associate of New Zealand

How are we Deaf friendly?

Assist Deaf jobseekers with pre-employment preparation, job search activities, and once in a job we will keep in contact to make sure everything is going well.

Administer government Support Funds to help cover the cost of NZSL interpreters, and other related costs in the workplace or training environment.